Monday, August 15, 2016


Never have I been more excited for a season to end. Winter has far outstayed its welcome this year and as August starts drawing to a close I am getting more and more excited for the day I can believe that Spring has truly arrived.

I also have a confession to make: I think I'm obsessed with suspender skirts. I mean seriously, this is the third one I've made and they're all my favourite things in my wardrobe. I think it's because you can add long sleeves and stockings if it's cold or just wear short sleeves when it's warm. I've started trying to minimise my wardrobe so anything with multiple ways of being worn is a big plus! I'd just have a wardrobe full of suspender skirts and a variety of shirts if I could!

Side note: how cute is that bicycle necklace!? It was a present from my friend who is currently living in Canada, and I love it!